Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So Tired...

Both Sunday night and Monday night were tough ones for me, sleepwise. I had trouble sleeping both nights, tossing and turning and what not. I also had very strange dreams, ones that I only vaguely remembered, but still haunted my waking hours.

Last night I finally fell asleep and only woke up a few times during the night, but slept through for the most part. When I woke up I hoped I would feel refreshed, but today was the worst morning yet this week.

It snowed three or four inches overnight and as I was out there cleaning the snow off the cars I was in a half daze. When I finally finished cleaning all the snow off my car I was trying to open my door and it wouldn't budge. I thought, "Crap! My door is frozen shut." I went to the passenger's side door and met with the same problem. I was about to go back in the house and get my wife to take me to work until I realized that I had not unlocked my car. Once I took care of that, the door opened just fine.

What is amazing to me about this story is how I was able to get up, get ready, make breakfast, and clean snow off the car and still basically be sleepwalking for how useful my brain was through all that. The simplest act of problem solving was beyond me this morning. What should have taken me two seconds took two minutes to figure out.

In most stories, even fictional ones, there is a grain of truth. All the zombie movies had to come from somewhere, I think zombies do exist, but only for an hour or so every morning. There are millions of them across the world. The true un-dead are the working world just after 5am.

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