Tuesday, January 25, 2011

All Time Low...

I hit an all time low today. When I was getting ready to go into work this morning, late as usual, I actually considered taking my Nintendo DS to work. I have never considered doing such a thing at any job I've had. That is how bored I am with this job.

The realization that I have reached such a low point at this job hit me like a ton of bricks. I hope this is pretty much rock bottom here, because if it is there is only up after this right? If not, I'm pretty worried about how bad it will get.

On a completely different note, I always see my neighbors across the street standing on their front porch to smoke cigarettes. They come outside, light up, and finish a cigarette, then they go back inside the house. I understand wanting to keep your house from smelling like crap and what not. However, when I was getting into my car this morning at 6:31 a.m. I saw my neighbor out on the front porch smoking a cigarette. It is by no means warm outside here in Utah, at least not at 6:30 in the morning. Also, I have never seen them leave for work that early, or anything like that.

Now, I don't mind getting up at 6 in the morning if I have to go to work (any earlier than that and I start to get real cranky, though). All I can say is, if I had to get up at that hour, not for work, but to go outside and smoke a cigarette? That'd be the day I quit.

I'm just sayin'.

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