Thursday, October 31, 2013

Xander and Lucas: Funny Stories Part 2

My wife related this story to me:

So we got home a little while ago and Xander asked me for "Chocolate Bread" (which is Bread with Nutella for the uninitiated). I made it for him and sent him on his way. About three minutes later, he comes up to me and says he wants more. I know he has a history of dropping food and throwing perfectly good things away (silverwear, food, etc.) so I ask him "What happened to your bread?" and he responds saying "It's in my tongue" as he points to his open (empty) mouth. I just laughed and made him some more "Chocolate Bread."

Story 2:

Xander goes to music class once a week, but this week we couldn't go on his usual day, so instead we went to the class the day after. He wanted to wear his Bugs Bunny Halloween costume but it was dirty so he settled for wearing his Yoda costume (it was Halloween). He was so excited to have it on!

On Thursday's there is another boy at the class that is Xander's age so they were doing way more running around than singing and dancing today. So he was running up and down the halls with this other kid and I lost track of them for a bit. Then he comes running back into the music room without his costume on! I guess he just decided to take it off? He brought it back to me and said, "Mommy, put my costume on!" Like I'm always just gonna be there to fix his problems! :) Oh, and he calls his Yoda ear hat his "Yellow Hat." That made me laugh.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Xander and Lucas: Funny Stories Part 1

Our children sometimes do some funny stuff.

This is a story Vanina told me about Xander:

"So I brought the vacuum out and when Xander saw it he sprinted for the recliner and jumped up on it looking back at the vacuum. I began vacuuming and as I got closer to the recliner I saw a wrapper from one of Xander's snacks on the floor. I asked him to get down and grab it and he just shook his head.

I finally had to just grab it myself and I finished vacuuming and turned off the vacuum. While I was putting the vacuum up Xander jumped off the recliner, came up to me and said, with a serious face, "That was close!"

Here's another story Vanina related to me:

"Ok, so i was in the kitchen making Lucas's bottle and both of the boys were on the blanket.  I then hear Xander starting to get upset. I don't remember what he said now but something to the affect of "Lucas is eating it."  So I don't know how this happened exactly (if Lucas stole it from him or if Xander offered it to him) but i walk into the living room and Lucas is stuffing his face with Xander's Nutella bread.

Xander had almost finished it so the bread was separated because that's what he does when it's almost gone and Lucas had nutella all over his fingers. He had such a tight grip on that piece of bread.  He cried when i took it away. Luckily his bottle was done by that point and I was able to stick that in his mouth and he forgot about the Nutella but we did have to go wash his hands because they were covered."

I love my boys!

Test of the Email Blogging System

This is just a test of the Email Blogging System. If this had been an actual emergency, instructions to scream your head off and go down fighting would have ensued.