Saturday, January 21, 2006

New Quote

I put up a new quote for the peoples. The last quote was "Is that all you jackasses can dig?!" from the Movie "Holes." A particularly good funny kids-type movie. I really like Shea LeBouf.

Anyway, check out the new quote and see what you got. Its a from a funny movie.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Behold, I am the Crying Freeman...

Or at least I have cried for days. Raise your hand if you have cried for three days straight before? No takers? I thought not. You see, for the last three days my left eye has been tearing (that tear as in cry not tear as in ripping paper) up constantly. I walk around with a tear rolling down my cheek non stop. My eye doesnt hurt at all, but after rubbing my eye to get rid of the tears all day my eye starts to feel "rubbed" and irritated. So I just stop botherting with the eye and wait until the tear is halfway down my cheek to mess with it.

From this experience I can infer that I must have some type of eye infection. The type that does not hurt and only infects one eye and makes you cry non stop for days. Tonight at my D&D group is going to think that I am sad the entire time.

Seriously though, I have no idea why my eye is doing this and frankly I just wish it would stop.

I have not updated this blog in too long and I feel bad about it. Unfortunately, thats the situation of my life right now. I have so much to do that I can barely get it all done. I mean right this moment I am stiing in class typeing this on my laptop computer. Luckily it is my Business Ethics class and we don't have tests in here just papers and projects. Im kinda tired of projects though. I mean I used to live in the projects back in D.C. and I got tired of that, now I have to constantly work on projects and I am most definately tired of that.

Please do not think that I am tired of school. I really do like school, but I just get burnt out easily I think.

Anyway, I better get back to listening here in class. I wish you all well and I hope to see some comments from you on here.

P.S. I will put up a new quote soon.