Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Utah...or the Thrice Cursed Land of Frost

Today, it snowed for most of the morning. The flakes started out really small, then gradually got bigger and bigger. I had all these great aspirations to go out and get my errands done today...then I saw the snow and had no desire to do anything.

Instead I waited around all day till the snow finally let up in the afternoon, then got some stuff done. One of those things was going to Institute. One of my friends invited me to attend this specific institute beacause it has people more our age. The topic today was some of the prophecies of Isaiah. It was pretty good. I still don't really know anyone there, but I wasn't feeling particularly social so that didn't really change tonight.

On a darker note, last night someone stole Danny's car. It was parked in our driveway here at the Bohn's house. I feel really bad for him, because he only had liability insurance and it won't cover the theft. He basically has to go car shopping now since it is highly unlikely that the police will be able to find the car. You'd think that in such a small place as Utah they would, but they didn't sound too hopeful about finding it. Useless.

Vegas is approaching, and I want Danny to have a good time on his birthday (particularly since he just lost his car) so hopefully I can help with that, since I'm pretty much useless when it comes to the whole "car got stolen" thing. 

It makes me wonder, if my car hadn't been parked in the garage last night would they have stolen it instead? I mean it is about 13 years newer (a 2005 vs Danny's 1992). I guess we'll see tonight, since I'm parked on the street in front of the house tonight. Although, statistics say its very unlikely that the robbers will be back here anytime soon.


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