Monday, December 18, 2006

The Hulk's got nothing on me...

There are times in my life when I seem to have a vision. Its like I can see not only the future but deep into the universe and the meaning of all things. At these times the thing that strikes me most is that I feel invicible. I feel like I can do ANYTHING that I can dream. I feel like I can get any job I want, make any problem I see right, or acheive the greatest things imaginable.

These moments are few and far between, I usually only have one or two every six months, but when they do happen they are always unexpected and always wonderful. Im not sure if I am describing the feeling properly. Its not like I actually see things, I can still see my surroundings, whatever they happen to be, but I can also see things on top of that. The things I feel I can achieve are superimposed on whatever I am looking at and its like watching a movie where all the frames have been double exposed. So you are watching two movies at once. Its a crazy sight.

The funny thing is during these times I have this feeling that its all a daydream, but I have this other feeling that I am actually seeing one of many possible futures and that these are all available paths to me if I only strive for it. Its amazing the things my brain dreams up at times.

Ive always had what my Mom calls an "over-active imagination" but these moments seem to push the limits of what even my imagination could do. I often feel like these "visions" are something more, but I have no proof so I can only assume they are the vain imaginings of my brain.

In any case, I do feel invicible when I have these, not invicible in a physical sense but in a mental one. I feel like life, with all of its challenges can't touch me. I have had alot of trials and challenges to get where I am today and I feel like I have succeeded greatly to have made it this far (with divine help of course) and so I guess I can see why I would feel like this when I have these thoughts.

Anyway, Im done rambling...

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