Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Whats in a Name? (Or a Slogan for that matter...)

David Stays Sharp 'til The Bottom of the Glass.

Ok this is a way to sloganize your name. Its pretty freekin funny. The above is my random sloganized name. Go check it out and post your slogans in my comments please.



scullylam said...

Maybe She's Born With It, Maybe It's Lauren.

The Dirt says Hot, The Label says Lauren.

Sometimes You Feel Like a Sexy Beast, Sometimes You Don't.

Iudo Faex said...

Oh man these are Awesome!!! Thanks for posting them you guys!

Miriam said...

My favorite:

"Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a Miriam it is."

Though I must say, some of them are a little risque. Like:

"How many licks does it take to get to the center of a [insert name here]?"

"Feel the raw naked [insert name here] of the road."

So... yeah.

Iudo Faex said...

Miriam, that was just awesome. The randomizer does return some funny things!