Friday, November 04, 2005

Insomnia, the Mother of all Insanity...

At 3:34 AM, when you have been laying in bed for over two hours unable to sleep, its strange how you're only true thoughts revolve around killing. Killing time, killing people, killing yourself...its all the same when insomnia brings along a friend (anger).

Interesting how the sweetest things in life can become the most bitter. I love to sleep. Not excessive amounts mind you, but enough to make my face look like my own in the morning and not some horror movie make-up artist's version of my face. I love to stay up late, but only of my own volition. When I am trying to sleep, that is EXACTLY what I want to happen...SLEEP!

Other random thoughts that run through your head at that time: Why does my pillow smell like my girlfriend? Who the hell decided to turn the heat up so high? My friends on the east coast are probably getting up for work soon. I bet Ill be as tired as I am awake right now in the morning, and yet I still can't sleep. I wonder if its because of the D&D game I just finished playing four hours ago. Naw, that cant be right, by all accounts I should be tired after that. I wonder if I will get all my stuff done tomorrow as I run on lowered energy levels. How the hell am I supposed to go work out tomorrow afternoon after getting so little sleep? I wonder if I'll even wake up when my alarm goes off.

Now, when my alarm finally does go off, it sounds like I am in orbit and it is sounding from my house in D.C. I however still manage to drag my psyche from some deep place and get up. Only to set my alarm for 15 minutes more and then lay back down. The dream I have during that 15 minutes involves me being late for all my meetins/classes today and not caring one bit. Ahh, sweet dreams why could you not claim me sooner?

I do however drag what feels more like my carcass than my living body out of bed to the tune of the "Its a Brand new day" song from Gantz. An utterly scary song, as anyone would know if they have seen the Anime Gantz. (An Aside: If you have not seen Gantz, and you are a Trailblazer like me, then you need to see it. It ranks in my Top 5 Anime Series of all time. I have most of the series, volume 9 doesnt come out for 10 days and Volume 10 comes out January 16th 2006, and you can borrow them from me if you like.) Scary thoughts are never the best wake up music.

As I write this, I am wide awake. This state of lucidness may or may not last. If experience is a good teacher (and generally it is) then by 3pm I will feel like I am dragging my @$$ all over the place. I could probably be a nerd at this point and plot you an exponential function of how much energy it takes, over time, to stay awake and keep active after 3 hours of sleep. It would probably look something like the x cubed fuction. Thats just sad...on so many levels.


No one has gotten the quote yet, I dont think, but I dont have time to change it right now. So, Ill let it sit for a while and then change it when I get the chance.

1 comment:

Iudo Faex said...

Thanks Jill! Just think exponential function, Im just too nerdy ;)