Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Evil's of Monday...

This past Monday was terrible. I dont just say that, because Mondays are usually crappy, but I say that because this one was especially terrible.

I got out of bed, late. So I rushed to get ready and skipped breakfast.

Strike one.

Then I walked outside to go to school and the little plastic clip that holds the two parts of my backpack's strap together broke suddenly and I dropped my backpack. I hate when I drop my backpack. My backpack usually has my laptop in it, my MP3 player, my earbud headphones, my books, my lunch, and my other supplies in it. Any of these can be damaged by a 4 foot drop.

Strike two.

Then I got to school and realized that I was totally overwhelmed by this week (2 midterms, 2 projects) and I didnt get enough sleep to be able to work effectively that day (admittedly my fault). This was pretty bad because up to that point I thought I had things under control, but these things just showed me that control is an illusion. One to which we cling oh-so-tenuously. Maybe that is why we need to have faith, because we dont control nearly as much as we think we do in our lives.

Strike three.

Ive finally really gotten things geared up to finish reading the Book of Mormon by the end of the year just like the Prophet said. Maybe this is why things seem to be coming crashing down right before my eyes. Maybe, some force is trying to draw my tension away from whats important. I firmly believe in the quote that: "Things usually get worse, before they get better." I've always believed that its ok that this is true. Those times where things are terrible, and you cant seem to find your way, these are the times where you grow. You come away from those times a stronger person; you can look back and understand that, when life gets rough, you get rough with life. Im just glad for good friends, great truths, and love. These are the three things that have kept me going so far, and they will sustain me till the CK*. I love life, and I would never give up on it. I hope all of you reading this can feel that, and understand that I am grateful for every day that I have.

(*CK = Celestial Kingdom)

Besides, Nate says that everybody seems to be feeling bad lately, and misery loves company right? Maybe its the weather...

Thank you for reading. Please leave comments if you feel what Im saying here.


Miriam said...

Bad times make the good times better.

Krisling said...

Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday, eh?

Iudo Faex said...

Thanks for all the comments guys. Ive been in San Diego the past few days for a conference so I wasnt online. Its good to come back and see all your comments. Thanks!!