Friday, August 19, 2011

Tucson, First Impressions

So Tucson is...nice. Ha! You thought I was gonna say HOT!

It does get hot here, I'll grant you that, but it's like I told my wife the other day, here's a direct quote: "It's hot here, but it's not as hot as I thought it would be. I mean, I've been walking around in the sun and it's 105 degrees and I don't feel too uncomfortable. I'm sweating but I don't feel like I'm going to die."

We keep the air condition in our house at 78 degrees. I feel comfortable when it is set there. If you would have told me a month ago that I would feel comfortable in my home at that temperature I would have laughed at you. It was that hot in our house in Utah and I thought my eyeballs were going to melt.

The house, our first home by the way, is awesome! My wife picked a good one. We are gonna do some painting next weekend but that's about it as far as fix it up.

It is monsoon season around here. It will be blue skies (more on the sky later) one moment and the next it's raining so hard that the storm puts out the Clock Tower at our local shopping center and they have to use the Emergency Broadcast System to let us know whats going on. NO, it was NOT a test of the EBS, it was for real. I happened to be parked just below said Clock Tower at the time of the storm too, lucky for me the wind was blowing west instead of east. If it had been blowing east I'd be looking for a new car probably (you should have seen the debris all over).

Besides the weather, school starts on Monday. From what everyone has told me (and what my class syllabus look like) this semester will be the toughest one of my entire program. I suppose I should be grateful because I will know if I'm cut out for this by January. If I can make it through to January then I will definitely be graduating with a PhD in May of 2016.

Wish me luck!

That's it for now, oh wait, I almost forgot. This is what happens when you leave a box open on the floor around here.

Yes, nap time inside a box is better than nap time just on the floor I guess.

I forgot to talk about the sky too. The sky here is larger than life. Think about the colors from movies like Mulon Rouge, The Lovely Bones, and The Warrior's Way (that last one is an awesome Ninja vs Cowboys movie, if you like that stuff). When seen in HD these movies make the colors pop out and invade your living room. Well, the sky here is almost the opposite. It looks so full of color that it's unreal. The blues are too blue, the evening sunsets are too full of violet and orange and red. It's like some director told the CGI guys to use too much color to make it look larger than life; except that it's the real sky you are seeing up there. It's almost indescribable.

You just have to see it for yourself.

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