Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Those of you who know me well know that I don't curse very often. Like most human beings, I am susceptible to many human failings and cursing is one of them; however, I still rarely do it comparatively speaking.

My current job makes me wish I was a sailor.

Every day something happens and my face starts to feel a slow burn and all these colorful words pop into my head. Words usually reserved for drill sergeants and professional sailors.

I thought I'd write a little to blow off steam, but it's really not helping. Which is sad, because writing random crap on my blog usually makes me feel better. I'll start to go off on one tangent or another and end up in a totally unexpected place far from where I thought I'd end up. The view from that new place is usually interesting and different, it brightens my mood while shedding new light on the day.

Today happens to be the first really sunny day of spring here in Utah, and all I can see is shadows.

I find out the sex of my first born child one week from today. That's a happy thought, one that usually makes me smile. Right now it's like a snowflake trying to put out a raging forest fire for all the good it's doing me.

In my life I have used words as both sword and shield, armor for the ages. But right this moment I feel defenseless.

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