Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Free Advertising

So Vanina and I went to Costco last night for dinner. She was actually craving Chinese food, but she also wanted a Chicken Bake and she opted for the latter.

When we got in line to order, we noticed a new item on the menu: "The Carne Asada Bake." Vanina decided to give it a try. I'm so glad that she did. After one bite of that thing, my polish dog and combo pizza no longer seemed appetizing.

Now, I have long since stopped eating chicken bakes. I no longer like the taste, but this new Carne Asada Bake has restored my liking for the bakes. I am a Mexican food junkie and this thing hits the spot like nothing else on Costco's menu (not to mention the fact that it tastes better than most things on some Mexican food restaurant menus).

If you love Mexican food like me, do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to Costco and purchase a Carne Asada Bake for lunch.

Oh, and a little bonus tip for you: if your Costco membership is expired (like ours is) you can still use the card as a "Show Me" (little Fringe joke there) to get into the store and then go purchase food (which does not require a card).

That is all.

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