Thursday, February 14, 2008

Growing Pains

You ever get that feeling that life is crushing you under its iron heel? Yeah? Well don’t worry you aren’t the only one that has had that feeling on occasion. I only write this now because I’ve been feeling that way lately (mostly because of my job). It’s been putting a strain on every other part of my life (including my writing; which is why I haven’t updated in forever).

There really isn’t any “fool proof” way out from under this crushing feeling that life gives you sometimes. None that I know of at least. I woke up this morning and prayed really hard about what I should do about this feeling. I got my answer and even though from what I understood of that answer the relief from this crushing feeling won’t be immediate, it didn’t matter to me; I felt better almost immediately. The day went smoother, life didn’t seem so stressed, and I even had the energy to write. No it had nothing to do with the writers strike being over…funny coincidence that though.

About that though, the whole strike was about the writers wanting the right to get paid when people watch their shows online. I don’t really think there’s anything wrong with that either, I mean they should get paid for what they do, no matter where someone tunes in to see it. A funny thing happened while the writers were striking too: People started watching more online videos. So basically, the writers staged a strike to get paid for when people watch stuff online and the strike itself caused people to go watch stuff online because TV became boring (or rather more boring that it already is).

Now that’s what I call good strategy!


Nate Irvin said...

"You ever get that feeling that life is crushing you under its iron heel?"


Our financial situation has been bad for a long time, and the thousands of dollars we're racking up in medical bills are not helping. I'm working 60 hours a week and feeling like I'm neglecting my family and we're nowhere close to being back in the black, to say nothing or keeping my head above water.


Thank you for giving me an excuse to vent. Also, thank you for saying something about praying - I should have thought about that a long, long, long time ago.

Thank heaven the writer's strike is over!!

Iudo Faex said...

Hey Man,

Thanks for venting. It's good to know that someone out there is willing to "Mourn with those who mourn"

Thanks bro, I hope you and your family are doing better all the time. You are in my thoughts.