Thursday, January 31, 2008

Video Game Difficulty: A Philosophical Debate

So I took a fun and informative test today, see my results below:

"You are a 59% Video Game Addict.Video games are a big portion of your life, maybe too big of a portion. They are not a means of social interaction, despite what you might think. Go outside."
Take theVideo Game Addict Test@ FualiDotCom

Yeah, I just had to post that fun little quiz. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the HTML version to work because Blogger secretly hates me (OK I lied, its no secret) but at least you get to read my results. The last sentence makes me laugh every time I read it!

So, today's discussion is on Video Game Difficulty. This is a matter that weighs heavily on everyone (world leaders included). Yes I know, its hard to believe, but to quote my favorite Radio Disc Jockey, "You best Beleee' dat!"

Anyway, there are two camps on this issue. Camp number one, we'll call them the "Noobs" (not to be confused with Boobs) think that video games should have something that video game designers invented almost 20 years ago: the ability to select the game difficulty. These people have also been known to cheat off the smart kid in high school.

Now, the second camp, we'll call them the "Haters" (not to be confused with Haxxors, although some of them might identify with that comment). They believe that games should all be played at whatever difficulty the game designers arbitrarily decide to set. These people are also known to bite themselves in random places to see how much pain they can take without screaming or crying (or both).

Ok, there may also be a third camp, we'll call them the "WTF!? Who cares?" camp, but we don't talk much to them (or about them really) because mostly they have no imaginations, watch professional wrestling, NASCAR, or spend all their free time watching professional sports (or all of the above). These people have also been found dead after jelly leaked out of their ears (this jelly was later found to be the melted unused residue of their brains).

Now, I fall in somewhere in the middle between the "Noobs" and the "Haters." I say this because there are some games where I would prefer there to be no setting, but other games where I want to have a difficulty setting. As for the tough games, well, anyone who has ever played a VERY challenging game and been tempted to join the FBI, go through weapons and secret agent training, sign on for undercover sniper ops, then get reassigned as an office counter-intelligence worker just so he could find the game designer who made the game and sneak up on them and kill them in their sleep without going to jail knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Not that I've ever considered such a thing...ever...really!

Most of the games that don't need difficulty settings are designed in such a way that the game either auto-adjusts the difficulty or is super easy. This second category of games is what makes the "Haters" become...well "Haters." They say that if a game is too easy it's not even worth playing. Whereas I say if a game is too hard WHY THE HELL would I want to play it? Life is already hard enough, I don't need some damn video game (a part of one of my favorite pastimes) to remind me. I play video games to NOT think about how hard life can be.

Anyway, chime in on the comments section and let me know what you think.

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